Thursday, November 17, 2011

Plumbing Problems

Plumbing problems caused by the intense and protracted drought...

 Mold, mildew and debris.
The bathtub pipes, exposed.  Crooked, in order to be "fixed."
 The way the pipes looked when the access panel was removed.

A second access panel, to another bath reveals more dislodged pipes.

 Black mold and mildew on sheet rock that was removed from wall near tub area.
 Another example of black mold and mildew.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Iron Turned to Lace

 These photos are of the bottom railing of the exterior fence.  The iron has completely rusted through.  In some cases, the railing is no longer connected.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Fun Just Never Ends

Some few years ago, the plumbing contractor hired by the "contractor," left some little "gifts," as in extra useless parts, trash, an old towel, an old dirty rubber plumbing ring, some empty plumber's cement and plumber's primer cans.  Some screws and nuts?  Lovely.  I cleaned it out... but check out that 1970s contact paper.

What's Hot?

What is hot??  Notice how the shower handle says "HOT" on the left and "COLD" on the right.  Oh, if only the plumbing contractor knew the difference.  It turns out that the pipes are reversed.  So, you better be forewarned before taking a shower!

Crack Widening

This photo taken July 29, 2011
This photo taken June 24, 2011
The crack in the wall by the door jamb is widening. 

Photo at left is the same crack as pictured above.

Friday, June 24, 2011

All Cracked Up

All of these cracks indicate serious structural damage.

This very large and deep crack is from the right window in the Master Bedroom.
 Another crack in the Master.  This one is on the side with the left window.
This deep crack runs from the top of the molding around the closet door in the Master Bedroom, from the upper left corner.
 A crack down the corner of the wall, and a separation of the baseboards in the Master.
 Cracks form at the bottom left of the Master bedroom window.

 A crack above the door jamb in the hallway.
Same door in the hallway, crack in a  different location.
 Can you make out the streak that is undoubtedly from water leakage?  It is a slight yellow, vertical stain.

This crack is harder to see because of the lighting.  This is a long, horizontal crack to the left of the closet that houses the AC/furnace.

What's Not to Love?

The "fine" contractor installed this mess under the sink in the Master Bath.  You can see all the way to the back of the cabinet --- that there is no back.  And to the left, a piece of sheet rock is torn.
 Yet another view.
Looking to the right... just a real mess.  The back is actually exposed to the outside.